Sunday, October 19, 2008

A week and counting

It hardly seems like it will be a week until we will be winging our way to Ghana. This picture is from the plane last year as we flew over the Sahara. Couldn't see the desert but the clouds were beautiful. This time we will be flying at night though, so hopefully we will be asleep. Today was such a busy day, it just flew by. We got our clothes together and Chris hung a line outside and sprayed them all with long lasting (through 4 washings) mosquito repellent. Of course in the middle of that project one of the dogs got into some mouse poison that was in the garage so off to the vets to induce vomiting and a 3 week round of vitamin K for Thumper.
While Chris was off doing that, I spent 2 hours in the basement organizing and making an inventory of supplies, one for inside the box and another for the notebook. People have been so generous and we are doing well. One box is ready to go and we will probably have two more of medical supplies. I have picked up most of Sister Irene's wants and those are ready to be packed. We also got some crayons and construction paper for the children to draw us pictures that will then be made into cards to sell! My notebook of information is getting full of the don't forget information, phone numbers while we are there, and discussion points for the various people we will be meeting and talking with.
Friday Harriet and I had lunch. She was kind enough to fill me in on the appropriate manners when meeting with Chief Nana Yaw. Emmanuel's father will go with us for the initial meeting as we need an 'elder' to go along. I must remember to get a bottle of Schnapps for him once we get there. That is a tradition in Ghana. We then share a cup of the Schnapps.
This week I will call the hotel again to double check on reservations, contact the driver, and try to contact Chief Nana Yaw. Plus do some shopping for the fill in items still needed.
Erin is working this week, all week, so it quite busy at the hospital. When we spoke yesterday, she is getting her clothes packed and getting her donations organized too.
Postings will get more interesting once we get there. I just thought you all might like to know how much is being done here at home! And I am off to bed!

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