Saturday, October 11, 2008

Two weeks and counting

This has been a busy week with a lot of paperwork to do. Dr. Erin and I have been working on a H&P form (for you non-medical types, that is history and physical) in order to capture the data we are looking for, keep it simple, and hopefully get it on a computer. Of course, electricity is always at a premium there, so that can be a problem. The village has none and the hotel...well if someone trips over the extension cord from the Volta River Dam...everyone down stream is out of luck! We will get that figured out. Also, another issue is to tag pictures (possible skin infections etc) with the chart. Hummm...any ideas?

A neighbor brought down about 3 large trash bags of items for us. My basement is begining to look like a warehouse. These were mostly gauze pads, PVP iodine in great handy to carry packets and gloves, lots of gloves! Part of yesterday was spent organizing that. I will also be taking items over for Sr. Irene and Emmanuel..then bringing things back for them. Now, looks like I am down to two changes of clothes! :) That is fine tho.

As you can see, our web site went live this week too. I hope you like it. Brian did an awesome job with pictures and getting it set up. Thanks Brian and Vintage Turtle (his company). I also spent some time at REI yesterday, got some really cool bug spray that you treat your clothes with and it stays in for a few washings. Then I thought a nice collapsable 5 gallon water jug with some purifier tablets would be a great addition, if nothing else for Dr. Erin to wash her hands in between patients.

This was just a little check in, to let you know we are getting organized for the trip. Monday I will call the Chief again, and my friend Daniel to let them know we will still be there.

Thanks for following our project. If any of your are on Facebook, look under Walbridge Settlement Foundation...there are some great pics (Thanks Terry Shaw from White Plains, New York!) of the people and homes. And almost time to start taking the anti-malarial!

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