Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is just a test post for now. I have arrived in Kumasi and the most generous Sisters of the BVM had a delicious meal and beautiful room awaiting my arrival. But most important is the company they provide and conversations about their work and mine that develope. So much to be learned. This is the perfect enviroment to, relax, enjoy the beauty of nature (and yes, even the roosters at all hours), converse, and contemplate my work here. Edward should be here soon and we will visit Kyekyewere so I may begin to gather my thoughts as to what needs to be done. You see, in my haste of packing, I forgot the most important white notebook with my notes. But people are helping me remember, much is in my computer or in notebooks, so it will be alright. And tonite, after homework here, plans to be made, I will try to post some pictures of the Manna Mission in Teshe and other pictures taken on the long drive from Accra to Kumasi. So, onward, drinking tons of water, sweating it out and loving every minute of it!

1 comment:

Chris said...

How about getting Mary M or Bill to get notebook and send info via email?