Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October 1, 2008- Pre-Trip

Only 25 more days until we leave St. Louis for Ghana. There is so much to do in preparation I sometimes wonder if it will all get done. My list of things to take for friends there is longer than my list of clothes to take! Plans have been made for the driver to pick us up at the airport. The Beauty Queen has our reservations for staying in Kumasi and I have asked Sister Irene's assistance in contacting Chief Nana Yaw explaining our plans. I called last week, but don't think he understood all I was saying! There are certainly challenges. Neighbors are begining to bring over the counter medications down and nursing friends are packing boxes. Dr. Erin is gathering supplies from Temple University Hospital from her friends. She even has asked that she be given no birthday presents this year, but donations for the Villagers of Kyekyewere! Happy Birthday Erin! Today I organized all my papers and am begining the list making for discussions with the Chief, the Representative from the Ministry of Health, supplies, and of couse what room there will be for personal articles. Someone send me some peanut butter and Pepto Bismol! Vintage Turtle is helping get the web site up too...so we are making headway. I am excited to see old friends and meet new ones, like Sister Irene who has been a tremendous help in communications. Pastor Ben too...he has made 2 or 3 trips to Kyekyewere to personally visit with Chief Nana Yaw on my behalf. Tomorrow will be another day comprised mainly of computer work for Vintage Turtle...wait till you see the web site. It is beautiful!